Album Release Date - 1.25.19

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the radio silence, but haven’t really had anything new to share on the Behind the Scenes page. But that changes today!

I am going to announce this next week to the public but thought I’d share with you all now. Thew album will officially be released on Friday March 1st on iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc. You can see the front and back cover of the album below.

When I announce the album next week it will be available for pre order on iTunes, but if you have access to this site it’s because you already pre ordered it on iTunes (thanks again for doing that). SO, for all you lovely KS backers, you guys will be able to download the album NEXT FRIDAY!

Hopefully that’s some small good news for your weekend!

Excited to see what you all think after you’ve listened to the songs several times.

Talk soon!


Single Premiere! - 12.18.18

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I’ve been radio silent on here the last month or so. We’ve been working hard on getting this album done and I didn’t really have anything worth sharing yet. But today that all changes!

I am very proud to present the first single from the new album. The song is called “Be The One” and it features harmonies from an old friend (and one of my favorite singer/songwriters) named Ari Hest. Ari and I did several shows together in Grand Rapids and East Lansing when I was in college. He’s continued to do music full time, released 9 albums and was even nominated for a Grammy. If you aren’t familiar with his work, check him out. I was very excited that he agreed to sing on this tune.

“Be the One” is a song I wrote for my sister who got married in Sept. My mom had asked me if I was going to write a song for her wedding and initially I didn’t think I would. I certainly wasn’t going to write one just to write one. If I was going to write a song for such an important event I needed to make sure it was good. Rewind a few months, I was in MI. I had played a show at the Magic Bag on a Friday night. The next day I was hanging at my sister’s and my brother in law had a guitar, so I picked it up just to mess around and the first thing I played was this song. I worked on it for a bit and got the main structure and melody done and put it away.

Several months later we’ve started recording the songs for the album but I didn’t have any lyrics yet and my sisters wedding was about a month away. When I was making up the melody I accidentally said the line “I wanna be the one” and so I decided to use that as a jumping off point. I decided to write a “wedding song” rather than trying to write a song about my sister’s relationship or a song giving her advice. So I thought about my wedding and what a wedding day should be like and then the lyrics were actually pretty easy to get out.

I played the song for my parents and they loved it. I surprised my sister and brother in law by playing it at their wedding. They had no idea I was going to sing anything, let alone that I had written them a song. I was a lot more nervous than I thought I would be but I got through it ok, even thought it probably wasn’t my best performance. They loved the song so that was a nice moment.

As much as I was happy with the song I had written this song wouldn’t be what it is, if it wasn’t for the people playing on this record, ESPECIALLY my producer Zach Ziskin. (I’ll get to him in a second.) Hubert Payne (drummer for Little Big Town) did a great job on drums, he’s brought such a great groove to every track on this album. Fernando Perdomo absolutely kills every bass track he ever touches. He’s got some bass lines in the outro of this song that I love and give the song such a cool vibe. And then of course there is Zach, the man with the plan. His guitar work on this song is killer. His solo on this one is probably my favorite solo he’s ever done on anything of mine. But the guitars on the chorus are perfect and I love how he added in this electronic keyboard/mallet kind of thing that kind of combines the Palisades Drive sound with the normal Jesse Young sound and brought a really cool blend to this track. Zach has done an amazing job with this album and if you think this song sounds great, just wait until you hear the others.

Some artists lead off their single with the only good song on the album, but I can tell you right now, that this is NOT the best song on the album, but I thought this would be the BEST song to introduce everyone to.

What’s the best song? Honestly I have no idea, because every time we finish a song my opinion changes. I am so damn proud of this album and I can’t wait for you all to hear it.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read this. More things to share with you soon including details on who the other special guests on the album are, as well as the album title and cover image.

Stay tuned!


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Drums/Bass - 10.23.18

Hey Everyone

For the final track we recorded, we used a different drummer in Nashville than the previous songs. His name is Spence Erickson and he’s fantastic. He was able to send me some video of him doing the take so I cut together a little of him and Fern playing to give you some behind the scenes goodness.



Bass Tracks Finished! 10.22.18

Hey Everyone

The drums and bass tracks are all done for the record. So now we are on to guitars/keys/vocals, etc.

Through the process Fernando would send me a video of him recording the song which was nice to get texted to me every few days and allowed me to hear the songs coming together. Check out the video below, I cut small clips of all the songs he played on together to give you a rough idea. Sometimes the files came over text small so that’s why the quality is different in each clip.

Hope you enjoy!


Album Progress - 10.19.18

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to let you know that the album is coming along and looks like there is a good chance it will be done sooner than I originally planned. I recorded vocals for two more songs this past Tuesday so we are halfway done, 6 more to go.

Our plan is to record 2 songs per week, so recording should be done in 3 weeks. If all goes as planned there is a good chance we will be done with the final mix by the end of Nov. If that’s the case I am going to try and put this thing in your hands (or inboxes) before Christmas and then I’ll probably do the official release on iTunes in Jan.

The songs are sounding great, I can’t wait for you to hear them. You can check out the chart below if you want to see where things are as of today.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned!



You'll Be Fine: Sneak Peek - 9.24.18

Hey everyone

So two songs on the new record are mostly acoustic, meaning we aren’t having a real drummer on them. So for these two songs we didn’t need to wait to get going on finishing them up. Last week Zach sent me the first mixes for the two songs. One of them I’m not happy with my guitar take so I need to go back and fix that, but the other one I was really happy with.

I thought I’d share a little of that song here with you. This was a song that when I initially wrote the music, I was really excited about, but unsure of what to do with the lyrics. My wife gave me the suggestion of the “topic” I could write about and once I had that idea it came together pretty quickly.

Based on how much I raised with the Kickstarter this song was not supposed to be on the album. We couldn’t record all the songs I wanted and this was going to be one that was left off. But I played a bunch of the new songs for Ang and the kids (this one included) and she loved it so much that I knew I had to find a way to record it.

I am so happy I did, because I think it turned out fantastic and I can’t wait for you all to hear the whole thing. Hearing this song has gotten me even more excited to finish the other songs.

Anyway, enough of my blabbering, check out the video and let me know what you think.

Vocals Take 1: 9.7.18

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to let you know that I tracked vocals for 2 songs last night. These two songs are going to be mostly acoustic, so while we are waiting for the drums and bass to record their parts we thought we'd get started on these. Since we don't have a lot of instrumentation left to add, I'd say these songs should be FINISHED in the next couple of weeks. I'll post a little preview once they are ready. 

But for now, here is a small video showing some of the vocals we did. 

Hope you all have a nice weekend!


Here We Go: 8.19.18

Hey Everyone

Thanks again for backing the project and helping this go from a 5-6 song project to my first full length album. I'll do my best to keep you all posted here on the progress of the album. I am trying to get as much video and content as I can but since we are recording all over the country this time & never all together at the same time, it might be difficult. 

So today we started tracking acoustic guitar and got the guide tracks down, along with scratch vocals, so we have the base trucks for drums and bass to record over. I am hoping we'll be getting to that in the next couple of weeks. 

Below is a video I put together that gives a sneak peek of all the songs from the record. Check it out and I am doing my best to get this out to everyone as quickly as I can, while also making sure this album will be my best one yet. 

Thanks again and talk soon. 

- Jesse


Live Loud - Drum Tracking

Hey Everyone

I wanted to share a video of Lee Levin recording the drums to Live Loud. He was able to record the session since I couldn't be there. Just wanted to give you all some insight into how the songs are made. 

Hope you enjoy!


Live Loud - First Listen

Here is the final track for the new EP. This is a song called "Live Loud". This was another song that I wrote after I wad funded for this project. I mentioned in a previous post how I came up with the song on a keyboard in garageband on my ipad. I'll have to put up a comparison of the original idea to the final product so you can see how it came to life. 

For the lyrics, this is the first song I've really where you might say I am making a statement. I didn't set out for that to be the case but as I was singing along trying to find words the line "Why let someone stop you, from being who you are" came out. That got me thinking about a lot of the things going on in society, especially with the recent election and how people are treating each other, how people of different races, religions and sexual preferences are treated. I thought about all the stories I read where people are bullied because of this and other things. There seems to always be so much negativity that I want to make sure that my music have positive messages in them. So I decided to write a song reminding anyone who's going through a tough time (for any reason) that there is always hope and to never give up. 

I'm really happy with how this turned out. Lee Levin killed the drums and Seth, John and Anthony did a great job on the horns. The horn lines in this song might be some of my favorite that I've had recorded to any of my songs. 

And of course, this song and all the others wouldn't be possible without the amazing Zach Ziskin. He's able to take the rough versions of these songs that I write and flesh them out to make them sound incredible. 

Hope you enjoy!


Dad Life - First Listen - 1.25.17

Hey Everyone

Zach just sent me the second song from the new EP and I figured I would just put it out there for you all to listen to.

This is a song called Dad Life. This is a song I've had the music written for, since about the same time I wrote Part Time Rock Star (which I had written a long time before I started this Palisades Drive project). I had never really been happy with a chorus melody and so I never really got around to finishing it. When I sent Zach the batch of songs and song ideas to choose from for this idea, I really didn't think this one would make it, (there was another song called "What If" that was more polished and finished I thought he would choose) but he felt this one was better. 

So then I started working on revising and refining the melody and I came up with 4 or 5 melody ideas and then we settled on the one you are hearing. Then I added the bridge and as I was finishing the song there is that breakdown, I thought what if when the band kicks in we do a key change (something I've never done before in a song) and then Zach came back and said, "Wy don't we do it even earlier in the song?" I'm glad we did that, adds a nice dynamic to the song and gives a nice springboard to the horn breakdown.

The horns are back all over this one, similar to Part Time Rock Star. Anthony, John and Seth did a great job knocking this one down and I love their little feature. 

As for the lyrics, I struggled with this one as well and I had this idea to write a song about how I am "All about that Dad life". I was listening to the acoustic only track and just started singing some of the words and basically the whole first verse just came out. I wasn't sure if I should go in that direction but I played the first half for my family and Gia loved it so I decided to finish it. Hopefully people will enjoy the humor I tried to interject into it. 

Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think. One more to go!

- Jesse

Forever - First Listen - 1.24.17

Good Morning,

I am very excited to premiere the first finished track from the new EP. I'm not releasing these in any particular order, just the order Zach finishes them because I'ver been anxious to get the new music out there. 

So as I mentioned in an early post, this was a song I started writing on a car ride home from the office. The melody came to me and I used Garageband on my phone (while stuck in traffic) to find some chords and I just kept singing it over and over because I didn't want to lose the melody. Eventually, I got to a guitar and finished fleshing out the rest of the song. 

I knew when making this album I was going to have to write a song about Franco and Gia and as we started to figure out what three songs we were going to record, it seemed that if any song would work it would be this one. I struggled with this one for a long time, to find the right words, especially for the chorus. Once I locked that in, it made the rest of the song a little easier. I've said it before, but writing lyrics is always the hardest part for me and something I don't think I am great at. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to write a song about them without it coming across too cheesy or only relatable to my family. I'm happy with how this one turned out and hopefully you all will enjoy it. 

Zach did a great job with the production. Lots of little things he does that make the track better and I love how it keeps building. Also, Seth Merlin did a killer job on the solo.Such a great tone and so smooth.

 I'd have to go back through all the songs I've ever written but this is one of the few songs (if not the only one) that I've ever started with a chorus. That's not usually my style. For my guitar playing friends, I also put a Dm in here which I don't know if I've ever used that chord in an original song before. 

Anyway, that's some info on the song, I hope you enjoy it. Please email me or post on Facebook and let me know what you think of the song.

More to come...


Horns! Horns! & More Horns! - 1.23.17

Well Hello There!

I'm excited to be back with another update after our little hiatus last week. Yesterday I went to Power Station studios in Pompano to record horns. For those who are music junkies, Power Station studios was a huge studio in NYC (now called Avatar) which is one of the most awarded & decorated studios in the world. The owner of that studio sold the original one and partnered with a new group down here in FL and this studio was built to the same acoustical specifications as the original.

We had a great time recording the horns for the three tracks yesterday. Below you can see some pictures from the studio as well as a short little preview video of them recording some of the horns. 

So this means recording is done, which on one hand bums me out because I love recording new music and am sad it is over, but also I can't wait for you guys to hear these tunes. Zach just needs to mix and master the tunes and then I will share. I am hoping that maybe I'll have at least one of the tunes by the end of the week? (fingers crossed). As soon as it is good to go I will post here and let you all know. My plan is I will release the music here at least a few days or so before I post anything online to the general public. 

Then I will be getting to work on finishing all the rewards. Once the songs are finished I'll be able to listen to them with Part Time Rock Star and Got Me That Way and decide on the order so I can begin finishing the design for the album. Once that is done, I'll send everyone a link to download the digital copy and then send all the rewards out once the physical albums are printed. Hoping to have that to everyone by the end of March. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything from me and I can't wait to hear what you think. Please drop me a line on FB or email ( when you get a chance to listen to the new music, cause I'll be dying to know what everyone thinks. 

Next update you'll be hearing new music. So exciting!


I Need More Vocal In My Headset - 1.10.17

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to give you the weekly update. This past weekend Zach and I got together and I finished vocals for all of the new songs. In two weeks we'll be headed to Power Station studios to record the final piece (and my favorite part of recording)...HORNS! 

The music sounds great and I know the horns are going to take these songs to the next level. I'm really excited to get them done. So more than likely I won't have an update next week, but I will post some video here of the horns session once we are finished.

Thanks for being patient with this process, we are almost there. 

One other thing. I believe there is a way through Kickstarter that I can almost do like a Facebook live type of thing. Would you guys want to hear me do acoustic versions of the new songs, or would everybody prefer to wait until the songs are finished to hear them for the first time? Let me know either through Kickstarter, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

Hope you all have a good week and here's a small peek at the vocal session. 

- Jesse

Let's Get It Started! - 1.3.17

Hey Everyone,

Hope you all had a nice New Years and a great holiday. I know last time I said I wanted to update you all weekly but then Christmas hit and my office was closed all last week so I got tied up doing things with Franco and Gia. But have no fear, we have made a lot of progress on the record. 

The last post I talked about a song called "It's Alright", which we were tracking drums. That track is complete (minus vocals and horns) and has been retitled to "Live Loud" based on the lyrics I've written. Zach has finished a second track (minus horns & vocals), the one we called "Forever". I am almost finished with these lyrics but it's looking like that title will stick. We are almost finished with the base track for the third song, which we called #7 and I would expect I'll have that in the next day or two. I am almost finished with the lyrics for this song as well. If I decide to keep the lyrical direction of this song it will be called "Dad Life", but we will have to see. Right now it's a tongue & cheek approach to being a parent, kind of in the vein of Part Time Rock Star and I'm still on the fence about it. We'll see how it all plays. out. 

I am going to Zach's studio this weekend to record vocals for all three and then we'll get to writing the horn parts so we'll be able to record those in the next few weeks. Then just mixing and mastering so we are getting close. 

Below is a little sneak peek of "Live Loud" & "Forever." I wanted to give you a small glimpse of what we've been up to. I'm really happy with how the music has turned out and I am doing my best to make sure I won't ruin the songs by singing over them. 

Hope you enjoy and I'll talk to you soon.



Hello from the other side! - 12.6.16

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to give you a quick update. Kickstarter finally transferred the funds about a week or two ago so I am all set there. A few weeks ago I sent Zach a bunch of songs and song ideas and we picked out the best three songs. One of them we felt we could still tweak to make better so I've been working on that the last couple of weeks when I get a moment. When I get home from work it's basically hanging with Franco and Gia so it's hard to get in some guitar playing time when you have a sleeping baby on you but I think we've finally settled on a revised melody that we like better. I need to revise a little and send back to him to see if he agrees with the changes and then the songs should be locked. 

Once we lock the songs, we'll be able to start recording and that will start with Zach building the bases of the tracks. We are also taking a look to see what tracks if any, would sound great with live drums. The previous two, Zach programmed himself and we'll probably do that for a lot of these but there might be something cool the live drums could bring to the tracks. 

As always, horns will be a big part of these songs, so I am excited to be in the studio recording those parts, but one small step at a time. 

Work is a little busy this time of year but at the end of the month I am off for a week so I should be able to get some work done in the studio then (hopefully sooner as well). Right now I am hoping to have all the tracks done by the end of Jan so that we can do an official release in March or April (which obviously you all will get sooner than that.)

So that's where we are for now. Hopefully, I'll have some pics or videos to share soon once Zach and I get in the same room. Fortunately/Unfortunately, Zach and I are able to do a lot of our collaborating without being in the same room, which helps me with my schedule but means I don't get to document as much of the process as I would like, but I will certainly share as much as I can. 

Thanks again for coming on this ride, I am very excited to get to work on these. 

Happy Holidays!

- Jesse