Hello from the other side! - 12.6.16
Hey Everyone
Just wanted to give you a quick update. Kickstarter finally transferred the funds about a week or two ago so I am all set there. A few weeks ago I sent Zach a bunch of songs and song ideas and we picked out the best three songs. One of them we felt we could still tweak to make better so I've been working on that the last couple of weeks when I get a moment. When I get home from work it's basically hanging with Franco and Gia so it's hard to get in some guitar playing time when you have a sleeping baby on you but I think we've finally settled on a revised melody that we like better. I need to revise a little and send back to him to see if he agrees with the changes and then the songs should be locked.
Once we lock the songs, we'll be able to start recording and that will start with Zach building the bases of the tracks. We are also taking a look to see what tracks if any, would sound great with live drums. The previous two, Zach programmed himself and we'll probably do that for a lot of these but there might be something cool the live drums could bring to the tracks.
As always, horns will be a big part of these songs, so I am excited to be in the studio recording those parts, but one small step at a time.
Work is a little busy this time of year but at the end of the month I am off for a week so I should be able to get some work done in the studio then (hopefully sooner as well). Right now I am hoping to have all the tracks done by the end of Jan so that we can do an official release in March or April (which obviously you all will get sooner than that.)
So that's where we are for now. Hopefully, I'll have some pics or videos to share soon once Zach and I get in the same room. Fortunately/Unfortunately, Zach and I are able to do a lot of our collaborating without being in the same room, which helps me with my schedule but means I don't get to document as much of the process as I would like, but I will certainly share as much as I can.
Thanks again for coming on this ride, I am very excited to get to work on these.
Happy Holidays!
- Jesse