Here We Go: 8.19.18
Hey Everyone
Thanks again for backing the project and helping this go from a 5-6 song project to my first full length album. I'll do my best to keep you all posted here on the progress of the album. I am trying to get as much video and content as I can but since we are recording all over the country this time & never all together at the same time, it might be difficult.
So today we started tracking acoustic guitar and got the guide tracks down, along with scratch vocals, so we have the base trucks for drums and bass to record over. I am hoping we'll be getting to that in the next couple of weeks.
Below is a video I put together that gives a sneak peek of all the songs from the record. Check it out and I am doing my best to get this out to everyone as quickly as I can, while also making sure this album will be my best one yet.
Thanks again and talk soon.
- Jesse